Tuesday 22 January 2013

Refraction and Diffraction

Well, here we are for learning about Refraction and one more fact about property of light...

  • Refraction

Refraction is the bending of light due to a change in the medium from which it passes through. It is essentially a surface phenomenon. Due to the change in medium, the velocity of the wave changes but its frequency remains constant.this is most commonly observed when a wave passes from one medium to another at any angle rather than right angle or no angle.

Here are the images of Refraction....

We always encounter this situation. Due to Refraction the straw seems to bend on itself but its an illusion rather magic.

As you can see here clearly, the image of the bridge seems to have bend due to differing 3D drops of water.

  • Diffraction
Diffraction refers to the phenomenon which occurs when a wave encounters an obstacle. In classical physics, diffraction is described as the apparent bending of waves around small obstacles and the spreading out of waves past small openings.

Heres a spider web, in which due to diffraction, we can see some colours in it which is proved with some theory by scientists.

This is diffraction by a double slit. The waves when interact with the edge of the slits diffract and thus take another deviated path and the waves which are in contact with the surface of the slits show Refraction.

Well, this was all about Refraction and Diffraction !!!!!


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